Liban Tests Editions

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    20 Years 2004 - 2024

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    20 Years 2004 - 2024

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    20 Years 2004 - 2024

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    20 Years 2004 - 2024

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    20 Years 2004 - 2024

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    20 Years 2004 - 2024



Edition: PEARSON
Tests: Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test for Children, 1991, Barbara A Wilson, Frances Aldrich, Rebecca Ivani-Chalian. Description: Assesses children's memory by sampling a wide range of memory functions. Also provides guidance for the establishment and alleviation of daily practical difficulties encountered by the child. Age Range : 5 years to 10 years 11 months.
Description: Complete kit: Includes manual, pack of 25 scoring sheets, supplement, 3 stimulus books, set of stories and story pictures, gold stars, audio CD and timer.
Code: 210204
Price: EUROS